Powerpoint presentation by J.K.Soler, January 2015:
EGPRN Quo Vadis Kushadasi 2013 presentation
A core project for the European General Practice Research Network, initiated in May 2012, has been a reflective process on the network’s future, and of research in general practice in Europe in general. Quo Vadis, EGPRN?
The process started with questionnaires sent to EGPRN National Representatives, which informed subsequent focus group discussions. Many issues were tackled, including membership, finances, organisation and meeting structure, and vision for the future, together with ideas on how we could better meet and network. Specific issues which emerged during discussions with our members included the optimal number of meetings per year, the best ways to support individual researchers, ways to support effective development of international research collaboration and the relationships with National Representatives, national Colleges and Wonca.
EGPRN has been doing well in providing a safe and friendly meeting for discussing research work, in selecting good quality research presentations with good discussions at the meeting, in fostering good personal contacts between family doctor researchers, and in supporting strong collaboration and networking.
Specific proposals for improvement included:
* Quo Vadis – where are you/we going?