Photo of Andrej Pangerc
Andrej Pangerc

Medical faculty, University of Ljubljana


Photo of Brendan O'Shea
Brendan O'Shea

Trinity College Dublin

Ireland EGPRN Member

Photo of Črt Zavrnik
Črt Zavrnik

Community Health Centre Ljubljana


Photo of Davorina Petek
Davorina Petek

Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana

Slovenia EGPRN Member

Photo of Dimitra Iosifina Papageorgiou
Dimitra Iosifina Papageorgiou

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Greece EGPRN Member

Jean-Francois Michel

University of Luxembourg

Luxembourg EGPRN Member

Photo of Jelle  Stoffers
Jelle Stoffers

Maastricht University, Care and Public Health Research Institute (CAPHRI)

Netherlands EGPRN Member

Photo of Johan Wens
Johan Wens

University of Antwerp


Photo of Katrien Danhieux
Katrien Danhieux

University of Antwerp


Photo of Maria Bakola
Maria Bakola


Photo of Paul Van Royen
Paul Van Royen

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Primary and Interdisciplinary Care

Belgium EGPRN Member

Photo of Ruben Burvenich
Ruben Burvenich

KU Leuven


Photo of Sophie Opsomer
Sophie Opsomer

KU Leuven & UGent

Belgium EGPRN Member

Page 1 of 1, showing 13 records out of 13 total.