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Photo of Paul Van Royen
EGPRN Member

Paul Van Royen

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Primary and Interdisciplinary Care, Belgium

Academic Background
PhD or equivalent, MD or equivalent
General Practitioner/Family Doctor
Short Bio
Paul Van Royen, MD, PhD, is Professor Family Medicine in the Department of Family Medicine and Population Health (FAMPOP)- Research group Primary and Interdisciplinary Care. After graduating as a general practitioner in 1983, he started up an inner-city practice with his wife Lieve Peremans, later on grown into a group practice. From 1987 till 1993, he was research assistant at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, department of Microbiology and STI. In 1993 he finished his PhD thesis entitled " Vaginal discharge and bacterial vaginosis in family practice" and was honoured with the Price of the Dutch College for the Study of STDs. His academic work is directed at teaching and research in primary care. He is coordinator of several teaching modules and programs, on undergraduate level as well as on graduate and postgraduate levels. At his department, he developed a research centre with strong expertise qualitative research and several research lines, each developing projects, collaboration and a growing output (research of education, respiratory tract infections, diabetes, interprofessional care, palliative care and sexual health including STI and contraception). He was/is contractant in different international projects, funded by the European Community (Forum project, Improve, TRANSFoRm). As co-chair in different South Initiatives, he stimulated the development of a stronger and more integrated primary health care in Central and South Africa, as well as in Ecuador. He is author of more than 250 articles in peer-reviewed journals and reviewer of different scientific journals. He had presentations at different international congresses. He was President of EGPRN (the European General Practice Research Network) from 2004 till 2010, the WONCA network for Primary Care research in Europe. He was dean of the Faculty Medicine and Health Sciences from 2012 till 2018. At this moment he is chair of the department of Family Medicine and Population Health (FAMPOP). Since 1996 he is coordinator of the Clinical Guidelines project for primary care in Belgium. As chairman of the Advice Centre for Child Abuse and his involvement in many other local networks, he has a close contact with the broad field of primary health care.

Published Abstracts 12

Sustainability in primary healthcare practice, no time to lose!

Paul Van Royen, Lieve Peremans, Radost Asenova

Presented on 13/10/2023 at the 97th EGPRN Meeting.

iCAREdata: a scientific research database on out-of-hours primary care

Hilde Philips, Stephaan Bartholomeeusen, Paul Van Royen, Roy Remmen, Samuel Coenen, Annelies Colliers, Stefan Morreel, Veronique Verhoeven

Presented on 18/10/2019 at the 89th EGPRN Meeting.

GPs’ gut feelings sense of alarm is valuable in dyspnoea and chest pain

Marie Barais, Emilie Fossard, Antoine Dany, Paul Van Royen, Erik Stolper

Presented on 11/05/2019 at the 88th EGPRN Meeting.

Medical decision-making challenges among ethnic minority populations in Belgium: a focus group study

Flore Vermijs, Amina Yakhlaf, Josefien Van Olmen, Paul Van Royen, Katrien Bombeke, Sarah Van De Velde, Edwin Wouters, Veerle Buffel, Nina Van Eekert

Presented on 18/10/2024 at the 99th EGPRN Meeting.

Maltreatment of older people: challenges for patient-centred care in general practice.

Lieve Peremans, Naomi Aerts, Kristof Van Assche, Maxime Castermans, Paul Van Royen, Hilde Bastiaens

Presented on 13/05/2023 at the 96th EGPRN Meeting.

Interventions to promote physical activity for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease in primary health care and/or at community level: A review of international guidelines using a systematic approach

Naomi Aerts, Michele Odorico, Delphine Le Goff, Jean Yves Le Reste, Paul Van Royen, Hilde Bastiaens

Presented on 12/05/2018 at the 86th EGPRN Meeting.

Eprescription: Experiences of General Practitioners and Pharmacists in Flanders

Marieke Robbrecht, Simon De Belder, Mk Tilney, J Stage, Paul Van Royen, Hilde Bastiaens

Presented on 11/05/2018 at the 86th EGPRN Meeting.

Using a QR-Code on a poster in primary care waiting rooms as a medium to screen for intimate partner violence

Christophe Berkhout, Alix Teneur, François Quersin, Axel Descamps, Lieve Peremans, Paul Van Royen

Presented on 13/05/2023 at the 96th EGPRN Meeting.

The Hawthorne Effect: systematic review and meta-analysis

Christophe Berkhout, Ornella Berbra, Jonathan Favre, Lieve Peremans, Paul Van Royen

Presented on 11/05/2019 at the 88th EGPRN Meeting.

Reanalysis of a randomized controlled trial on promoting influenza vaccination in general practice waiting rooms. A Zelen Design

Christophe Berkhout, Jeroen De Man, Amy Willefert-Bouche, Suzanna Zgorska-Maynard-Moussa, Margot Badelon, Lieve Peremans, Paul Van Royen

Presented on 14/05/2022 at the 94th EGPRN Meeting.

Promoting influenza vaccination in general practice waiting rooms by posters and pamphlets. A registry based cluster randomized controlled trial

Christophe Berkhout, Amy Willefert-Bouche, Emmanuel Chazard, Suzanna Zgorska-Maynard-Moussa, Favre Jonathan, Lieve Peremans, Gregoire Ficheur, Paul Van Royen

Presented on 20/10/2017 at the 85th EGPRN Meeting.

What are the evidences for Healthy diet strategies in CVD prevention: Finding the best evidence with the ADAPTE procedure for the SPICES project (Scaling-up Packages of Interventions for Cardiovascular disease prevention in selected sites in Europe a

Delphine Le Goff, Michele Odorico, Naomi Aerts, Geofrey Musinguzi, Rhoda Wanyenze, Tholene Sodi, Linda Gibson, Harm Van Marwijk, Paul Van Royen, Hilde Bastiaens, Jean Yves Le Reste

Presented on 21/10/2017 at the 85th EGPRN Meeting.


Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Systematic Reviews, Surveys