Photo of Andrej Pangerc
Andrej Pangerc

Medical faculty, University of Ljubljana


Photo of Athena Flores
Athena Flores



Photo of Črt Zavrnik
Črt Zavrnik

Community Health Centre Ljubljana


Photo of Davorina Petek
Davorina Petek

Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana

Slovenia EGPRN Member

Photo of Eva Cedilnik Gorup
Eva Cedilnik Gorup

Medical Faculty Ljubljana, Department of Family Medicine


Photo of Goranka Petricek
Goranka Petricek

University of Zagreb School of Medicine

Croatia EGPRN Member

Ilze Skuja

Riga Stradins University Ilze Skuja GP Practice, Family Medicine

Latvia EGPRN Member

Photo of Jasna M Vucak
Jasna M Vucak


Croatia EGPRN Member

Jean-Francois Michel

University of Luxembourg

Luxembourg EGPRN Member

Photo of Ljiljana Majnaric
Ljiljana Majnaric

Faculty of Medicine in Osijek

Croatia EGPRN Member

Photo of Marija Petek Šter
Marija Petek Šter

Medical faculty, Dep. for family medicine, University of Ljubljana

Slovenia EGPRN Member

Photo of Marion Tomicic
Marion Tomicic

University of Split School of Medicine

Croatia EGPRN Member

Photo of Marko Rađa
Marko Rađa

Hrvatska udružba obiteljske medicine - HUOM

Croatia EGPRN Member

Photo of Radost Assenova
Radost Assenova

Medical University Plovdiv, General Practice

Bulgaria EGPRN Member

Tanja Pekez

Private practice


Page 1 of 1, showing 15 records out of 15 total.