Photo of Aida Puia
Aida Puia

University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iuliu Hatieganu Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Romania EGPRN Member

Alina Angelica CIOLPAN


Romania EGPRN Member

Photo of Anca Lacatus
Anca Lacatus

University Transilvania of Brasov-Faculty of Medicine-Department of Fundamental and Prophylactic Sciences

Romania EGPRN Member

Photo of Andrea Neculau
Andrea Neculau

Transylvania University, Faculty of Medicine-Department of Fundamental and Prophylactic Sciences, Romania


Photo of Jelle  Stoffers
Jelle Stoffers

Maastricht University, Care and Public Health Research Institute (CAPHRI)

Netherlands EGPRN Member

Photo of John Broughan
John Broughan

University College Dublin


Photo of Mihai Iacob
Mihai Iacob

1. THE EUROPEAN ULTRASOUND WORKING GROUP/EUVEKUS/EADUS, 2. TIMIS SOCIETY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS, 3. Timis Medical Chamber 4. The Romanian National Society of Family Medicine (SNMF)

Romania EGPRN Member

Robyn Homeniuk

Irish College of General Practitioners


Photo of Rodica Sorina Pop
Rodica Sorina Pop

Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy

Romania EGPRN Member

Photo of Stefania Di Gangi
Stefania Di Gangi

University Hospital Zurich


Photo of Sven Streit
Sven Streit

Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM)

Switzerland EGPRN Member

Page 1 of 1, showing 11 records out of 11 total.