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Photo of Jean Karl Soler
EGPRN Member

Jean Karl Soler

EGPRN Former Chair (2013-2016), MIPC, Malta

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Academic Background
PhD or equivalent
General Practitioner/Family Doctor
Short Bio
I have expertise in research using electronic patient records, research on the process of diagnosis, on the use of ICPC and on burnout. However, I am prepared to help in the design and appraisal of quantitative research studies in other areas.

Published Abstracts 7

Comorbidity in family medicine – causal or casual? What is the effect of illness diversity? A longitudinal observational study in primary care.

Jean Karl Soler, Inge Okkes, Nicola Buono

Presented on 10/05/2019 at the 88th EGPRN Meeting.

A new data collection project for studies of the process of diagnosis in primary care: collecting data on reasons for encounter and diagnoses in episodes of care in Europe.

Jean Karl Soler, Thomas Frese, Brendan Delaney, Christos Lionis, Dimitris Kounalakis, Mehmet Ungan, Heidrun Lingner, Nicola Buono

Presented on 01/05/2021 at the 92nd EGPRN Meeting.

A personal journey into the process of diagnosis in family medicine – sharing experiences and exploring the future

Jean Karl Soler

Presented on 21/10/2017 at the 85th EGPRN Meeting.

COVID-19 as a case study of the tension between politics and science, evidence and practice, healthcare and economics.

Jean Karl Soler

Presented on 30/04/2021 at the 92nd EGPRN Meeting.

A new data collection project for studies of the process of diagnosis in primary care: collecting data on reasons for encounter and diagnoses in episodes of care in Europe.

Jean Karl Soler, Nicola Buono, Heidrun Ligner, Thomas Frese, Brendan Delaney, Christos Lionis

Presented on 13/10/2023 at the 97th EGPRN Meeting.

A new data collection project for studies of the process of diagnosis in primary care: collecting data on reasons for encounter and diagnoses in episodes of care in Europe.

Jean Karl Soler, Nicola Buono, Christos Lionis, Brendan Delaney, Heidrun Lingner, Thomas Frese

Presented on 16/10/2021 at the 93rd EGPRN Meeting.

Do Patient Oriented General Practitioners / Family Doctors (GPs/FDs) with Internal Locus of Control have Lower Level of Burnout in Management of Multimorbidity?

Radost Assenova, Gergana Foreva, Nonka Mateva Mateva, Jean Karl Soler, Jean Yves Le Reste, Mehmet Ungan

Presented on 11/05/2019 at the 88th EGPRN Meeting.


Quantitative Research, Clinical Trials, Systematic Reviews, Surveys