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Photo of András Mohos
EGPRN Member

András Mohos

University of Szeged, Albert Szent-Gyögyi Medical University, Hungary

Social Media
Facebook, ORCID, Personal Website
Academic Background
MD or equivalent
General Practitioner/Family Doctor

Published Abstracts 2

What Hungarian medical students think about Family Medicine as a speciality? Is it a career choice?

András Mohos, Csenge Hargittay, Bernadett Márkus, Attila Nagy, Krisztián Vörös, Szilvia Ádám, Thomas Frese, László Kalabay, Péter Torzsa

Presented on 06/10/2018 at the 87th EGPRN Meeting.

Potential correlates of burnout among general practitioners and residents in Hungary: the significant role of gender, age, dependant care and experience

Peter Torzsa, Andras Mohos, Csenge Hargittay, Bernadett Markus, Laszlo Kalabay, Szilvia Adam

Presented on 16/10/2020 at the 90th EGPRN Meeting.


Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Randomised Controlled Trials, Clinical Trials, Surveys