Photo of Athina Tatsioni
Athina Tatsioni

University of Ioannina, Research Unit for General Medicine and Primary Health Care

Greece EGPRN Member

Photo of Brendan O'Shea
Brendan O'Shea

Trinity College Dublin

Ireland EGPRN Member

Photo of Dimitra Iosifina Papageorgiou
Dimitra Iosifina Papageorgiou

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Greece EGPRN Member

Photo of Emmi Lautamatti
Emmi Lautamatti

Tampere University


Ilze Skuja

Riga Stradins University Ilze Skuja GP Practice, Family Medicine

Latvia EGPRN Member

Photo of Jean-Francois Chenot
Jean-Francois Chenot

University Medicine Greifswald

Germany EGPRN Member

Photo of Johannes Hauswaldt
Johannes Hauswaldt

University Medical Center Göttingen, Institute of General Practice

Germany EGPRN Member

Photo of Maria Bakola
Maria Bakola


Photo of Markus Bleckwenn
Markus Bleckwenn

Selbstständige Abteilung für Allgemeinmedizin


Photo of Philippe-Richard Domeyer
Philippe-Richard Domeyer

Hellenic Open University, Greece

Greece EGPRN Member

Photo of Sven Streit
Sven Streit

Institute of Primary Health Care (BIHAM)

Switzerland EGPRN Member

Page 1 of 1, showing 11 records out of 11 total.