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Photo of Faraz Mughal
EGPRN Member

Faraz Mughal

Keele University, United Kingdom

Social Media
Twitter, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, ORCID, Personal Website
Academic Background
MD or equivalent, MPH or equivalent
General Practitioner/Family Doctor
Short Bio
I am an English trained GP and current National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Doctoral Fellow at the School of Medicine, Keele University, leading the NIHR funded 'COPING' study which aims to develop and evaluate a CO-produced Psychosocial INtervention delivered by GPs for young people who self-harm. I have expertise in young people's mental health and wellbeing, and suicide prevention in primary care, and have received several national prizes for my research to date. I have 60 peer-reviewed publications and have been awarded three consecutive NIHR research Fellowships. I am an elected Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners. My work is grounded in patient and public involvement and conducted with colleagues from different professional backgrounds. I enjoy diverse collaboration and would like to develop pan-European networks in these areas.

Published Abstracts 1

Perspectives of GPs supporting young people who self-harm in England: a qualitative study

Faraz Mughal, Lisa Dikomitis, Gillian Lancaster, Christopher J Armitage, Ellen Townsend, Carolyn A Chew-Graham

Presented on 13/05/2022 at the 94th EGPRN Meeting.


Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Randomised Controlled Trials, Clinical Trials, Systematic Reviews, Surveys