Past Projects

  1. HEFESTOS Study (HEart Failure European STratification and OutcomeS)
    Miguel-Angel Muñoz, José Maria Verdú, Rosa Abellana, Helene Vaillant-Rousell, Liam Glynn, Jacopo Demurtas, Josef Woebkenberg, Heidrum Lingner, Radost Asenova, Peter Torsza, Lea Gril, Zalika Klemenc-Ketis, Djurdjica Lazic, Hans Thulesius, Beata Borgstrom.
    To develop and validate a predictive model based on clinical variables easy to measure at primary care to predict short-term hospitalization or mortality in a cohort of patients attended in primary care setting as a consequence of a HF decompensation.
  2. Gut-Feelings/Cogita Project.
    E.Stolper, J.Hauswaldt, P.van Royen, L.Coblentz, N. Donner-Banzhoff.
    Uncertainty and unpredictability, common phenomena in general practice. A study about unexplained complaints and ill-defined syndromes. A major group of uncertain diagnoses and decision making under uncertainty and incomplete information remains a characteristic part of medical life.
  3. Manpower Project.
    L. Peremans, J.Y. Le Reste, G. Theile, Y. Winants, M. Kelly.
    Concepts and practical arrangements for a good work-life balance by gender for GP's. Which characteristics are associated with a high leel of satisfaction and persistence in profession? Gender difference for GP's? Which policies could be suggested to guarantee an efficient future allocation of GP workforce?
  4. Study of health-insured individuals complicance in CRC screening using iFOB Test.
    Dimov R (1), Dimova R (2), Stoyanova R (2), Dimitrova D (2), Levterova B (2) (1. Medical University-Plovdiv, Dept. of General Surgery, Bulgaria, 2. Medical University-Plovdiv, Dept. of Health Care Management, Health Economics and Primary Care, Bulgaria)
    Aims of the project: The aim of the study is explore and analyze health-insured population’s compliance with colorectal carcinoma screening by means of an immunochromatographic occult blood test in home setting.  
  5. A Systematic Review of the Psychometric and Edumetric Properties of Assessment Tools for Communication in and Consultations infor Undergraduate Medicine (BEME)
    Teresa Pawlikowska, Angelique Timmerman, Katrien Bombeke, Michael Davies, Paul de Cates, Paul Van Royen, Paul Ram, Sam Johnson, Teresa Pawlikowska, Paul de Cates, Sam Johnson: Warwick Medical School, The University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Rd., Coventry CV47AL.UK
    Katrien Bombeke, Paul van Royen: Department of Primary and Interdisciplinary Care, University of Antwerp, Universiteitsplein 1, B2610 Wilrijk, Belgium,  
    Angelique Timmerman , Paul Ram: Department of Primary Care, Maastricht University, PO Box 616, 6200 MD Maastricht, the Netherlands. 

    Aims of the project: a systematic review of assessment tools for the medical consultation.
  6. Correlations between cognitive tests, quality of life and functional tests in elderly primary care patients in Northern and Southern Europe.
    F. Petrazzuoli, H. Thulesius, S. Palmquist, P. Midlov, A. Kvitting.
    How do the cognitive tests MMSE and AQT correlate with ADL, IADL, EQ5D and FAQ in a primary care setting in Northern and Southern Europe?
  7. Which self-medications and home remedies do patients use for common colds? Are these associated with a potential health risk in chronic care patients? A cross-sectional study at several European primare care sites.
    B. Weltermann, B. Gerasimovska, M. Hasanagic.
    Frequent practices of self-care including self-medication and home remedies from various European countries when having a common cold? Self-care strategies? Is there adverse health risk in patients taking chronic medications? Differences with regard to country, age, gender, urban or rural living area, number of daily tablets, migration status and cultural background?
  8. The EConGP-Migration Study. A multi-country European Qualitative study on General Practitioners’ migration. Is the grass really greener on the other side?
    N. Michels, P. Vajer, P. Torzsa, A. Windak, T. Bjerve Eide, M. Sumanen, E. Jurgova, R. Kalda, M. Velgan, R. Prince.